EDS Sucks

This isn't going to be about my work but I just want to say that! Okay so after I got off of work around 4ish on Friday I just chilled there at work talking to people. I really had nothing else to do so whatever you know. This new chick that started working there is really weird I don't know I gave the mistake of giving her my number just in case we were going out to drink or something. but she called anyway wanted to do something. wanted to watch a movie or something, I wasn't feeling up to it. Oh... she's a lesbian by the way... It was a really weird night she's just a weird chick I don't understand her, not that she's lesbian but her personally is just weird. We end up just driving around and some how ended up at Cheesecake factory. We just talked and junk about hot female celebs. it was different discussing it with a chick but hey she's lesbian. haha yeah.... that was my friday night...