Just a Tuesday

Bored by myself at home it's 8:05pm listening to music and drinking my leftover beer I bought Saturday when at Sophia's. Nothing new just bored so I decided to write, tomorrow is Valentine's Day... nothing special cuz I don't have that someone to care about haha oh well. Guess I'm going to do the same thing tomorrow... Since I'm a little tipsy right now I guess I'll type about this dream I had couple weeks ago it's weird actually and something I would never thought I'd think of doing...

Anyway it was a dream about a girl I work with at work she's ok looking not the greatest to my standards but bareable we had a great time and things got pretty hot and heavy... (how corny) anyway yeah so we did the do... later on though in the dream I found out this girl got pregnant! I was crazed I just didn't know how to act I see myself in the dream freaking out over this crazy situation that I never thought myself to be in. Anyway at work she pulled me aside and told me this and she was going to keep it no matter what and she does want my support and help but she understands if I would decline... of course I accepted saying yeah I'll help but in my mind I'm freaking out and not ready for this whatsoever. I was freaking I was telling everyone no one seem to really give me much attention or I did get a little but to them it was saying it's all on me deal with it, you got yourself into this, which of course I did... I told this other friend at work, he was going into a meeting with her that was upstairs with her and quietly asked if he needed my assistance with this issue. The thing was he would be willing to "accidentally" push her down the stairs which would of course lead to no responsiblity... Crazy enough something I would never have thought I would think of myself to do... agreed to it. I said that would be ok if he was willing to do my dirty work.

I think I woke up or something veered away from that issue because I don't remember the rest... I just thought I'd share that, it's this crazy thing I've been thinking of for a while and I'm very surprised I actually would agree to such doing. It kind of scared me a little. Well I don't know I'll probably regret letting this information out but it feels good to type what I'm feeling at times, I would like to make a note that this is a public journal or blog I created and I'm ok with whoever reads this I don't regret what I say because it's what's on my mind at the time, I might feel bad about it later or regret what I say but what's done is done and I don't feel to take back what I say. It's my own fault if I say something that I might should not have said but I'm ok. It's a release from what I always keep inside and it's a way for me to be ok, I'm ok for anyone to give me feedback or comment what I say, don't feel afraid to tell me if I'm wrong or I need "help" in my situation I'll work it out myself but I'll take your word into consideration. Thanks