Hot For Words & Magibon

I have nothing to really say about my life... I really don't have cable or anything so I've been doing a lot of YouTubing, I have the regular channels I subscribe to, SXEPhil, Happyslip, Esmeedenters, KevJumba... but I've been watching a lot lately of this Channel 'HotForWords'

Click Here to the channel

Her name is, Marina she's some kind of Russian philologist, what she does on her channel is bring up a subject or a word and kind of gives you a history lesson on that one word... or I think that's what she does... how can you pay attention when you're watching her videos? All you see are her breast, she's dresses provocatively and she's a smart chick, I find that the best combination ever and I really can't stand stupid chicks...

I've just been watching probably each video like twice because I can't pay attention the first time but it's actually very interesting and educational. I didn't know how these "words" are brought into this world, how far back they've come, and all the possibilities a word was created... I don't know I recommend you all to subscribe and watch it's quite interesting...

Another thing I want to talk about, I didn't know about this chick until I saw a blog entry on iJustine's Blog Site but this chick on YouTube known as Mogibon... I don't get her she's from the States but in her videos it's all in Japanese... and she doesn't talk much, but when she does she speaks in Japanese. Oh and she eats pizza and drinks Coke... hmmm.... I know weird right? People are thinking that she's a start of another Lonelygirl15 thing where people watch her Vlogs and it turns out to be some production into some big story...

Here's a video to check out...

Check out some more of her videos HERE

... What I want you to do after watching some of the videos on her YouTube Channel is go to and then comment me here what you think about this whole ordeal (if you want... but I do appreciate comments :) I just don't get it...

Oh my god did you guys watch David Cook tonight? Doing Mariah Carey? That's insane he's my favorite to win!