CelebrAsian Entertainment Meeting 02/03/09

I think it went pretty much one way really... i think going into this everyone pretty much had their decision made on who they wanted for this year's headliner. I did find the connection of Far East Movement but it seems like they were a little too expensive for what we can get and the "round table" didn't seem excited about it. I know they are rising stars and I feel we should maybe take a chance and Iowa could be almost a start for their career to grow outside of California, but it seems like they kind of want to be safe.

OMG Love this video it gives me chills!

I think the majority of everyone is interested in Passion from San Francisco, I know him well I've been subscribed to him on YouTube for a while now, watch his live shows on BlogTV, and I am ridiculously in love with his voice. I'm kind of weary about how the crowd will act toward him. I've seen recorded shows of him and he is a mellow performer and very almost a little too positive at times. Nothing wrong with a lot of positivity but he's all about going to church on Sundays, singing in the choir, and loving life that people might find him boring.

I know that they wanted to have an after party after the Asian Festival but to be honest, I don't think Passion or Jeremy would be down for going out for drinks. He also has a girlfriend and he didn't find her at some club buying her drinks... As much as I would really enjoy hearing Passion live for myself, I don't know if Iowa would be down... I still think Iowa sucks.

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