Anxiety has taken over me...

I'm freaking out a little... Have too many things going through my head and cannot get it all together and sorted out. I'm worried I can't do it. I'm worried about failing. I'm worried about money. I'm worried about my life.

Finally MMS has come to my iPhone!

Yes, yes today is Friday September 25 and today AT&T have finally released MMS to all iPhones. It took forever for both AT&T and Apple, how could they have not released this option when the first iPhone came out? I just don't get it all other phones have had this feature and it took Apple and AT&T 2 years for them to have officially have MMS.

I was talking with Katie if you want to check out her blog Click Here

Oh and my dad's Tailoring shop is up... well not really it's "Under Construction" but there's at least something up there.

America's Best Dance Crew Season 4 (Show is fixed...)

I haven't talked about this season as much as the others in the past, to be honest I don't think this season's crews are that great. It's down to the top 2 crews and I'm shocked how the turnouts are. The show is obviously rigged no way could Afroborike made it to the final 2, not just that they made it to the top but they have avoided the bottom 2 crews the last couple weeks. I just cannot justify how that could have been. Every blog sites and forums have said nothing good about them and even the judges on the show would keep giving them not-so-great criticism. I know everyone and was leaning more towards Massive Monkeys they have been great of course they're all breakers and pretty much the last 3 crews have won are breakers. That's why I think MTV is fixing the turnouts of this season. They want a girl group to win (We Are Heroes) and the only way to get them to win the final votes is to have a crew that is not likeable to go against them in the finals. Not saying that 'We Are Heroes' aren't good because they are dope, way better than Afroborike. It's obvious that they have been saved by MTV throughout the whole show because they have been in the bottom 2 the judges allow them to move forward.

I have to say after watching this season I don't think I can even watch another season how they are messing with the turnouts. If anyone out there actually likes Afroborike let me know in the comments and try to persuade me why they should be up there because I just can't see it...

OH!! On another note this is just like how the first season of ABDC is, I know JabbaWockeez would have won that season anyway, but Kaba Modern was such a better crew than Status Quo. I highly doubt they had the mass votes when it came down to those 3. I even heard on blog sites of people that were in the audience that night that they were BOOed when they found out Kaba Modern was announce to leave the show and they even had an encore performance after the show's recording for the audience. For that reason I believe MTV just wanted the show to make it an West Coast and East Coast feud thing.

Another side note: I went to the Britney Concert on 9/11 and saw Jia from Kaba Modern! W00t! I didn't know she was a Britney dancer! haha

Kanye and Taylor VMA '09

It's late to talk about this really and it's getting really old since everybody in the world is talking about this. Here's my opinion on it now...

As much as I didn't appreciate Kanye West and his crazy antics Sunday night (09/13/09) on the VMAs, interrupting Taylor Swift on her moment to win an award for the first time. I'm over it now, Kanye apologized and Taylor accepted. As much as I don't respect Kanye West as a person, I respect the music he puts out...

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Will be out soon...

I'm not talking about out of Iowa but out of my job soon. Yeah we'll be all over because my department is being taken away so I guess it's back to the drawing board and starting all over again. As much as I have complained about working where I've been for the longest time, I just couldn't get myself away from it for some reason... The pay was never good it just gets repetitive and doesn't seem like there's anyway of advancement. I did make some excellent friends here that I will totally take with me once I leave this company. I won't forget about you guys for sure, just link me in Facebook or any social networking sites (I'm pretty much in all). It's almost a breath of fresh air once I'm out of here though, it is a new chapter in life if it goes for the best or worse, I'm just happy that I'm moving on. I don't really have much plans after getting out of here to be honest I haven't been saving as much as I should to get out of Iowa, either way though wish me luck on my endeavors.

Friends Meshing

I have a hard time mixing a group of friends with another group of friends. I don't know why that is I mean you would think if I got along with this group that they shouldn't have a problem with this group. I'll admit, do at times act a little different with a group than another... Now that I'm thinking about it, I might be socially self-conscious that I'm too afraid to be judged by who and how I interact with other people. I know that I do have a group of friends that are very judgmental and it would break my heart if they do not like another group of friends, also they would be the people that wouldn't hold back on expressing how they would feel about a group of people.

I don't know... I'll slowly try to move people around.

Cough Cough

Oh my god, I think something is starting to be seriously wrong with me, I've been having this cough for a while now and I just can't seem to get rid of it... I've been taking cough drops and they do sooth them down but I'll continue to keep coughing throughout the day. At times I would have these cough attacks like where I would just keep coughing and almost having to vomit because it's working my stomach and lunch muscles. I really hate going to the doctor but I think I may have to go to one soon about this. the side of my body is kind of in pain right now because of this and it really doesn't seem to be getting any better...

Well let's give it a couple more days...