Will be out soon...

I'm not talking about out of Iowa but out of my job soon. Yeah we'll be all over because my department is being taken away so I guess it's back to the drawing board and starting all over again. As much as I have complained about working where I've been for the longest time, I just couldn't get myself away from it for some reason... The pay was never good it just gets repetitive and doesn't seem like there's anyway of advancement. I did make some excellent friends here that I will totally take with me once I leave this company. I won't forget about you guys for sure, just link me in Facebook or any social networking sites (I'm pretty much in all). It's almost a breath of fresh air once I'm out of here though, it is a new chapter in life if it goes for the best or worse, I'm just happy that I'm moving on. I don't really have much plans after getting out of here to be honest I haven't been saving as much as I should to get out of Iowa, either way though wish me luck on my endeavors.