I Just Want to Write Tonight.

I do feel like writing right now but I don't have any idea what about. I guess I'll just talk about my day, first off I woke up around 11:30 and took a shower. Was ready to leave the house today which I've done such a great job this week doing. Mostly I would just stay home not even showering for the day and waste it watching TV and on the Internet but this being my last week of not working I wanted to use it wisely.

Leaving the house, it was great weather-wise, it was around 40 degrees and feels like winter is finally departing us and the snow is slowly melting away. I first went to the Polk County Building and renew my car registration, set me back 230 bucks but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. Having to do things like this makes me kind of hate being an adult. Remember back in the day having to not worry about anything like this and having your parents do mostly everything for you?

Later on I contacted my friend Mina and asked if she wanted to go together to post flyers for the Asian Festival's Talent Competition. I picked her up and we looked for places to tape up or pinned the flyers to some Grocery Stores, Restaurants, and Coffee Houses. I had picked up my cousin Kayla from school and she also helped... well, in her own way.

As much of driving around looking for places to post the flyers at, we were hungry and decided on one of my favorite Vietnamese Restaurants, A Dong. Of course I had pho, I just for some reason cannot not have pho. I think it's because for me, it reminds me of home. Even though it doesn't taste like my mother's or anything. Pho is something that was always made around my family, like get togethers or after a wedding or something. It's just very comforting. Again I would like to say that I really love the friends I have. After eating and knowing that Mina didn't like her pho she went and paid for our meals. She really did not have to do that I had the money but she was that kind to pay for us. Of course I will pay her back some how later in but it's just that she was THAT nice to do that. I don't know...

I think after our dinner we pretty much had the "itis" (haha urban dictionary that term...) We were all pretty exhausted and decided to call it a day. Took them home and I pretty much knocked out barely making it to my bed. Now it's late and I think I'm probably going to just do my Internet browsing and sleep soon.

Good night people, I hope you all are doing well...