I Miss You. Wished You Actually Cared...

I kinda miss someone, I use to talk to this person all the time but now they just completely stopped. I thought I knew what it took to be a good friend, I really don't think it's difficult just be there for them no matter what, listen and try to resolve their problems. That's exactly what I did but they don't want to listen to me or take any of my advice. It's seriously like talking to a blank wall because whatever I say or think about a certain issue or "that person" they don't seem to take my opinion into consideration.

This person doesn't really have many friends so I try to be there as much as I can for them but I'm feeling the reason they don't have any friends is because they don't know how to make friends. They don't care of anyone's opinions and would make it seem like they're always the victim and blame it on others. I hate losing friends but there's a time where it's almost like enough is enough and you can't keep on trying to reach out to them to try to make the relationship work.

I really do miss you but I also think you're still making a bad decision. Love can be a real shitty thing if let it control you completely. I know it'll end up the same exact way like before and as much as you'll try to prove it's not, I know what they did to you and you deserve better than that. Don't let them blind you with the fancy things like tech gadgets and trips. I hope you're smarter than to be bought off when they know they did something wrong to you.

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