Can't get enough of iJustine

Justine Ezarik she's a video blogger and I just can't stop following her in her life. If you don't know she's the one that put that video of her iPhone bill that was like 300 pages or so... Blogging is so amazing but it's kinda weird because they are totally broadcasting themselves to the world but she is ridiculously amusing. If I had the confidence in actually being recorded I would bring my camera everywhere with me. This chick looks good and she's actually intelligent so that makes it all the better, I like girls that can hold their own.

I'm kinda jealous of her life she seems to got it all together it seems through her blogging she has done some web and graphic design, even edits her videos and she's younger than me by a month. Check her out you'll get obsessed with her too!

Tasty Blog Snack (Her Blog)
Her YouTube Channel