Monday 1:40AM July 20, 2009

I don't know what it is right now, I'm just annoyed. This was a pretty fun weekend but for some reason I'm annoyed and I feel like it's unfinished and I'm at a lost or something. I have people telling me what to do or what I shouldn't do. I have people that is constantly being too in your face that they don't know how to back off. I have people that isn't giving me enough input. I have people that is telling me their small petty issues, that I just get more irritating listening to stupid people that really don't have any real problems, and giving them a horrible diagnosis of their so-called "problems." I feel like I'm pretty good at giving people advice but when you issues of your own it's like you just don't give a shit about them.

I almost wish I was still living by myself sometimes. It really was an excellent time to just be alone and care about the only person that matters.