Well, I guess I was kind of bad this past Thursday night (08/06/09). I have this new shift at work that it's making it really hard for me to want to stay there any longer, I now get off of work at 9pm and work Saturdays now. Anyway I was really persistent on getting drunk tonight so I didn't eat anything the whole day and bought a bottle of Tequila to have fun with. I picked up a friend to meet at another friend's house and thought we should also get a bottle of Hennessy. Anyway yeah so we had a couple shots at the house and I was good I can probably groove with this feeling and not have anymore for the night... Once we got to the bar it we found a group that was buying shots and someone had to say it was my birthday that night so I got tons more free shots after that. I don't remember but one shot but another friend of mine said I took a couple of them... It was pretty much a blur to me after taking the first shot actually. I really don't remember much after that moment.
Everything below is what people has told me has happened...
We made it back to the house, I think I went with my friend to walk her dog and somehow scratch my arm on something (that is still a mystery to this day...) I guess we had maybe another shot... Another group of friends made it back to the house during that time I made it to the toilet and vomit my guts out... I was needing help operating the sink... I guess I had an argument or said something to one of my friends that made her go to her room and shut the door from us... I guess I was being kind of grabby??? I had to throw up again but instead of making it to the toilet, I think another friend gave me cups to puke into... I guess it obviously shows that I didn't eat anything because my vomit was nothing but liquid... I think I asked my friend to take me home and drive my car and I was vomiting the way back... We had some argument and actually drove her to her car... vomit at home made it to the toilet... passed out.
The next day I got a call from a friend telling me all of this and I feel actually real horrible that all of that has happened. I seriously don't remember any of all of that... For real though, I think we've all had moments that we're all embarrassed about and there's no way of really changing it you'll just have to take what it is and go on from that. I do feel horribly bad that night for whatever I have done or who I have made upset. That's all you can really do the damage is done and you'll just need to learn from it.
Later I found out I broke their toilet for hugging it too much or something... Don't worry I'll pay them back for that.