I guess I didn't know how to respond it wasn't far away from my apartment... It's not like I'm worried for my things because I live on the 3rd floor, our city would have to be in some major disaster to reach up there. I just made plans to check it out after work. When I got down there though Court Avenue was all dried up so we just checked out the river and see how high it was... here some pictures (Sorry for the quality of the pics they're shot on my mobile phone.)
I most likely will have more updates on this as it gets worse... oh and water levels are higher than these pictures today... So the water is rising. There's a great website someone I'm following on twitter giving updates on the flood we're having.
IowaFlood.com <---check it out!
Oh hey! Isn't that sad about Tim Russert? He always seems like such a nice, intelligent, professional man that doesn't ever seem to pick sides. NBC lost a good political news journalist.