Streaming Live...

So I've have been starting this crazy live streaming now... It's kinda fun especially when your friends come and chats with you and you don't have to type back just say what you need to... I've been doing this on BlogTV and on UStream... BlogTV is when I want to actually be involved in chatting with people and really UStream is almost always streaming live you can even find the live feed on the right side of my blog... I really never thought of myself to do this because I'm usually self conscious about this kind of stuff but oh well I need to get over it.

Here's a little video of me being so damn bored one night and I'm singing freaking New Kids...

Please subscribe to me on BLOGTV so you'll know when I go live and we can chat!

Click Here to subscribe

My UStream is on the right side of this blog but to go to the actual link and chat with me there...

Click Here to go to UStream Channel

I usually Twitter when I'm going live on BLOGTV too so you can follow me as well

Follow me on Twitter

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